Monday, November 21, 2011


I have been a Boy Scout Leader for many outings.  When we hike or backpack, we are most effective when we have a boy leader up front who knows where we need to go, when we need to be there and what path we are taking to get there.  If that scout leads well, the rest of the crew is aligned to the plan, follows him and we get to our destination on time.  If each scout has different plans or priorities, we will move slowly, wander or get lost along the way. 

Alignment issues are also evident when tires are not aligned on a vehicle.  A tire out of alignment can cause vibrations that are heard and felt throughout the entire car.  All the tires can wear faster, the car burns fuel faster and it puts stress on the car.  A car in good alignment is efficient and effective.

It can also be evident when a company’s leadership team is not in alignment.   If leadership does not share goals and priorities, how can the organization?  Like the scout hike, the team can wander or get lost in the woods by trying to go different directions.  Like the car, the vibrations of leaders out of alignment can be felt throughout the organization and the company runs far less effectively and efficiently than it could.

Take time several times a year to give your leadership team a tune up and align your goals and priorities.  You will run faster when you are all running in the same direction.

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