Monday, December 5, 2011

New Product Review of Orville Redenbacher Pop Up Bowl

Product:  Orville Redenbacher Pop Up Bowl
Manufacturer:  ConAgra Foods
Variety tested:  Movie Theater Butter
Varieties available: Butter, Movie Theatre Butter, Ultimate Butter
Innovation:  Packaging converts to a stand-up bowl

Thoughts:  What a great concept—microwave popcorn without a dirty dish.  Unfortunately, the product experience fell short of the concept.  The cooking time on the box was longer than needed, so the consumer will have to learn the best cooking time for their microwave.  The side clear plastic seam (where you would open the bag) blew out while cooking in the microwave spreading butter and kernels across the floor of the oven.   The top of the bag was not easy to open.  However, the popcorn did taste great. 

There are some issues that will turn away consumers after trying a box, but the concept shows promise if they quickly work the bugs out.
Rating: (out of a possible 5 Sprouts)
Innovation Concept:           ÎÎÎÎÎ
Performance:                         ÎÎ

Sprouts Key:
Innovation Concept:
Nothing really new =                        Î
Fresh approach (idea or tech) =    ÎÎÎ
Breakthrough idea =                             ÎÎÎÎÎ

Awful =                                                       Î
Average =                                 ÎÎÎ
Outstanding =                                        ÎÎÎÎÎ

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